Maddalena Beltrami

Maddalena Beltrami

Sobre el Artista

I was born and raised in the Tuscan countryside, in a family of artisans, thus being able to take advantage of goldsmith, restoration, ceramic, photography and carving studies. So my firsts creations were born already in childhood, forging the first rings with my grandfather or on Saturday mornings with my mother, exploring the material of ceramics and coming into contact with international artists. The first part of my education, however, was dedicated to music: violin, piano, cello, and singing, keeping my passion for visual art laterally. But my need to explore the body and the different possibilities led me to train myself professionally in the world of the contemporary circus at the Flic Circus school. The long period of the Italian lockdown gave me the opportunity to give shape and direction to my intentions and since then Cucito addosso ("Sewn-on") was born, a project that exploits the knowledge of the body.