Henry Bosak

Henry Bosak

Sobre el Artista

Henry Bosak was born and raised in Genoa, a small town in eastern Nebraska. Growing up, he always knew he wanted to be an artist and so for the past forty-some years or so he has been painting, drawing and in one way or another working in the art field. Henry was very fortunate to have grown up in a family that supported his love for art. He was influenced by his high school art teach, as well as his neighbor…a professionally trained artist. Pretty lucky for a boy growing up in a small town, miles away from any art museums or galleries. Henry attended Southeast Community College in Milford Nebraska where he received his associated degree for commercial art and has been fortunate to be able to make a living as a graphic designer and illustrator ever since. A realist who works in acrylics, Henry paints everyday things. It may be an old pick up truck or some well worn tool. He paints to capture a moment or a feeling. Painting is and has always been Henry’s passion and if his work happens to inspire or bring joy to a person, then he has accomplished one of his goals in life…being an artist.