Harald Meisenberg

Harald Meisenberg

Sobre el Artista

Harald Meisenberg, born in Düren (Germany) in 1957, studied business management at the University of Cologne. After the intermediate diploma and a late dropping out he designed his first work of art accompanied by literary studies. At the same time he was taught in various artistic techniques by attending several courses. He created a multi-part work cycle titled `Omen Utopia´ which originates on the literary-philosophical utopia. These works of art were exhibited at the universities of Cologne, Bielefeld and Bonn. He finished his education by completing the training as a publishing house merchant. Afterwards he worked in different marketing agencies. His deep interest in fine arts made him changed to the Exhibition Hall of Germany in Bonn. After time he became an art inspector in an international fine art logistic company. This made him working worldwide in museums, galleries, private art collections and at art fairs. Since 2013 he works as a freelance artist. A central theme of Meisenberg´s artistic work is `the visualization of language´ and `the languaging process of pictures´. The various work topics are develop always from a conceptual approach. Meisenberg interprets the term ´visual art´ also as a common educational process of the artist and the observers. Always returning themes in his works of art are fragmentary motvies of labyrinths and mazes. By these motives he makes use of all the different meanings in history till current presence. selected exhibitions: 1993 - Institut für deutsche Sprache und Literatur, Universität Köln 1994 - ZiF-Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld 1994 - Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Bonn 1997 - ZiF-Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, Universität Bielefeld 1999 - Leopold-Hoesch-Museum, Düren - Catalogue 2000 - EURO-World, Frankfurt a. M. - Catalouge 2002 - Ecole des beaux-arts de Valenciennes (F) - Catalogue 2002 - Städtische Galerie, Verden an der Aller 2004 - co_op, Kunstverein Hildesheim - Catalogue 2008 - DIN A4, Stedelijk Museum Roermond (NL) 2015 - Historisches Archiv der Stadt Köln - Catalogue 2018 - PAPER ART I, Papiermuseum Düren 2019 - PAPER ART II, Papiermuseum Düren 2021 - Künstlerhaus Alte Lederfabrik, Köln 2022 - Schloss Burgau, Düren 2023 - Kulturbahnhof Nettersheim 1998 Art Prize: City of Düren 2000 Jury Prize: EURO-World, Frankfurt Collections: Sparkasse Düren Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen, Frankfurt Leopold-Hoesch-Museum & Papiermuseum Düren © Harald Meisenberg / VG Bild-Kunst contact: harald.meisenberg@t-online.de