Sobre el Artista

I started my professional photographic career in August 2000 and was lucky enough to have been able to work for some of South Africa's largest corporates, NGO's and Sporting associations. I worked with and learned from some great photographers and consider it very fortunate that my career stared before digital photography. I believe the analogue film experience gave me a deep understanding of image quality and reproduction. Working with film, I had to learn to expose, focus and compose properly without being able to see the end result until long after the shoot was done. I experienced the art of drum scanning and photo retouching. Although still available for commissioned work, my focus is now predominantly on Art and personal projects. My style is purist in nature, not that I have anything against digitally manipulated images and composites, but its just not something that interests me at this point. Thus, the art prints I sell are generally single exposures and are only "edited" in photoshop in terms of colour correction, toning and a little dodge and burn. Most of which is possible with traditional film photography. the images you see in the limited print section are what was there on the day. No swopping of skies or adding of people. They are authentic representations of the scene I witnessed. All prints are printed to the highest standard available, I have found the Hahnemühle’s photo rag to be the best for most prints, however some images do present well on canvas so this is an option to the buyer. All prints will be delivered with the certificate of authenticity and will display the editions number. Most images are limited to only 15 editions, some of the ones I consider my favourites are limited to only 9 editions Photography, like many other art discipline's, is a skill you never stop learning and improving upon, there will always be another angle, a better composition, a fresh take...