Matteo Lausetti

Matteo Lausetti

Sobre el Artista

WWW.LAUSETTI.IT He was born in Savona in 1969, he spent his first years in Bolzano. He attended high school in Milan where he achieved his degree in scientific studies, afterwards he attended the European Istitut of Design in Milan. He worked as nature illustrator and columnist for the Italian magazines “ BW – Rivista Italiana di Birdwatching ” e “Quaderni di Birdwatching ”. He perfected during the years his artistic knowledge and skills following his passion for painting, sculpture and jewelry. Today he creates his works in his studio in the ancient village of Manciano in the southern of Tuscany.. Partner of Milan Museum "Società per le belle arti ed esposizione permanente". They say: - Lausetti expresses his art in different forms : in water color and oil paintings as much as using mixed techniques and varied materials; in wood or metal sculptures and in the production of gold, silver, copper and brass uniquely designed jewels. In all his pieces is evident the search for the vibrant expression of the most intimate and secret part of human consciousness where everything appears excessive, deranged, fragmented, contradictory and paradoxical. He reveals a sense of foreboding that dwells among our ancestral memories and touches our hearts, seeking a meaning impossible to find, a purpose that would be madness and futile arrogance to pursue. His works are meant for experiencing with all senses, are made for wandering trough their relieves and feel the harshness of the canvasses in the quest or a fragile balance and for the answer to the question: “ Which kind of harmony can life grant us ? ” And the answer seems to be: black, black, black and slashes and rips of colors and strange,broken shapes; hidden spaces and unopened doors that lead to peaceful and nostalgic places, to distant, unknown, maybe illusory, unreal worlds. In this voyage trough life we carry our luggage : ancient, collective experiences, archetype knowledge, obscure myth and scientific doubt: so we see a resigned and confused Virgin Mary bending her back under the weight of responsibility at the approaching of the angel; we see carved on the canvas some mysterious words from the " Paradise Lost " of Milton and Parsifal looking for the holy Grail stands above a deranged and humble humanity, and among the shrouds everything get mixed and stratifies into the only possible answer : " Black, black, black, and slashes and rips... " Dott.ssa Vanna Mazzei - Presidente associazione " IMMAGINAZIONE - il mestiere della cultura " - "Matteo Lausetti is an artist that explores and skillfully elaborates a rich and articulated new language. He plays with the figurative and informal register intertwined with an openly conceptual one, like in the piece entitled "Fumo di Londra",creating a dialectic between the tale and the images; in his work can live together vividly colored strokes and broken sentences against dark, tonal backgrounds that produce a dramatic and, at the same time, ironic distortion of his subjects. His imagery that plays with intense and acid tones leads the thought process astray from the common trails. With its variety of sophisticated themes the artistic work of Matteo Lausetti, ranging from his landscapes Pand his still lives to the most surreal and provocative canvasses, shows how, trough the changes of his poetics, remain constant the deep meaning of the quest." Maria Cristina Rossi - Journalist and art critic - "In a context of informal dialectics Matteo Lausetti develops a strong and technically riveting chromatic weave. Evangelical themes crystallize in material allusions that initially suggest an attempt to trascend the original contest but result, eventually, in a very sofiticated expressive language. The art of Matteo Lausetti find its right place in perceptive dimensions in which the pictorial expression is the fulcrum of the ideological development and not the mere representation of the hypothetical and illusory surrounding reality." Sandro Serradifalco - Centro Diffusione Arte Palermo Editor - "Lausetti shows that the abstract American expressionism that it is not just a techniquebut an emotional inner reality. In the mixed techniques exhibited what impresses are the introspective power and, mostly, the ability to grow away from the illustrious American examples" Fabio Bianchi - Art critic