Monika Bajer

Monika Bajer

Sobre el Artista

Monika Bajer Was born 1962 in Vienna, started to paint in 2003 as autodidact, the following years she has taken several classes and workshops by academic and professional painters. Furthermore attendant at Art World Project She prefers to Work with Acrylic colours and experiments with different technics. Starting 2007 she participated in several single and group exhibitions. Starting with 2009 she has her own atelier. The concept of her work can be characterised by no stiff drafts but unchained creativity. Nothing is planned and nothing is fixed, each painting is a dispute of canvas and colours, growing to an adventure and a chance. Monika observes, refines, overrules herself, saves and destroys, realises and reinvents, starts again from the beginning. To find the point where the work is composed into an oneness which carries an idea and gleams. Inner vision, mood, existential feeling, often pure energy should be visible. Monika wants to talk to the spectator’s emotional world of experience, to crave his attention, be integrated into this manifold power play. Her genius is life – starting innocent, lively, questioning, leaving answers open, leaving traces, changeable – marvellous.