Dan Trantina

Dan Trantina

Sobre el Artista

Zpět DAN TRANTINA Dan Trantina was born in 1965 in Přerov - Czech Reublic. He studied from 1980 to 1985 at the Central Polygraphic School school in Brno, he received further professional education in the years 1986 - 1992 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the studio of monumental painting lead by prof. Jiří Načeradský. The first major public presentation of Trantina‘s atworks took place in the Moravian Gallery in Brno in 1992. Between 2006 and 2007 he presented with work and painted in Los Angeles as a member of the Box Eight art association. At that time he also organized several solo exhibitions winning contracts for underground interiors clubs, painted portraits of pets for Hollywood stars (Meat Loaf, Mike Shinoda, etc.). In the years 2009-2011 he lived and painted in Munich in the art colony Domag Ateliers. Trantina‘s authorial collaboration within the project Gesamte Entartete Kunstwerke - SADOFSKY & TRANTINA dates back to 2015, one of the results of which was, for example, the statue of “Tragedy as a farce” (referring to the work of Slavoj Zizek) for the Brussels Parliament. In collaboration with Sadofsky Trantina presented artworks in a prestigious galleries such is DOX Prague and others. In 2016 Trantina spent three months on the island of Saint Thomas in the Caribbean residence of Meda Mládek, a Czech mercenary of visual art. Trantina‘s visual speech represents a fine synthesis of gestural painting and expressive abstraction describing a real model or topic. In each of Trantina‘s paintings, energy and dynamism attract attention. Traces of the creative process and thinking enter a vivid dialogue with the topic itself. The result is not formalism, but some sort of embodied power of the author‘s visual speech accompanied by strong authenticity. The works are rare evidence of fundamental need for painting or creating in the purest sense and ability to leave limits of the image behind the frame and let the imagination expand to space. The themes of Trantina‘s painting embrace various areas - formally he deals with portraits, figures, still lifes and landscape. The result of the process is not just stacking of colored layers, mixing of stains, sprayed or spread colors complemented by structures and gluing other materials to canvas or other painting substrate. In addition to free intuitive painting, the process is controlled by the author’s will and experience to achieve specific representation and maintains therefore, the goal of meaning. It is obvious that this is a consciously controlled process and non coincidental mixture of emotions, energy and artistic empirics. Trantina tends to ironize the subject from the very beginning of the creative process and works with confrontation (Creator and his favorites, 2008, Smoking makes friends, 2010;), does not avoid erotica (Pinup, 2008) or lyricization (Garden, 2008, Big Blue Rose, 2008, cycle Forest, 2011). Trantina’s most recent paintings are materialised dialogues addressed to rather controversial icons of the western world (“Social” portrait (Leni Reifenstahl, 2018; Marylin - Me Too; 2018), portrait and head as personality symbol (Politically Correct Cowboy, 2018; I love You, 2018). They reestablish continuity with his former work of the cycle Idols and Gods from 2008-2010. Today, Dan Trantina is not only a prominent representative of the graduates of the Načeradský School. He has created and held an important place on the contemporary painting scene, his paintings are represented in important public collections Dnes 1:18 Aneta Fodorová aneta.fodorova@gmail.com Komu: trantina.dan@seznam.cz Re: text Danicku hlavně ke konci je par věci, který bych potřebovala probrat. Můžeme zitra zavolat? Potřebovala bych nějaký věci zpresnit, upravila jsem tam něco nejen stylisticky ale i obsahové, tak si to porovnej s tím původním textem, jestli ti to sedí a můžeme zitra volat. Zdravím z hlavního města ach! Bývalé slavné monarchie, jen projizdim. V Mikulově jsem zavzpomínala DAN TRANTINA Dan Trantina was born in 1965 in Přerov - Czech Reublic. He studied from 1980 to 1985 at the Central Polygraphic School school in Brno, he received further professional education in the years 1986 - 1992 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the studio of monumental painting lead by prof. Jiří Načeradský. The first major public presentation of Trantina‘s atworks took place in the Moravian Gallery in Brno in 1992. Between 2006 and 2007 he presented with work and painted in Los Angeles as a member of the Box Eight art association. At that time he also organized several solo exhibitions winning contracts for underground interiors clubs, painted portraits of pets for Hollywood stars (Meat Loaf, Mike Shinoda, etc.). In the years 2009-2011 he lived and painted in Munich in the art colony Domag Ateliers. Trantina‘s authorial collaboration within the project Gesamte Entartete Kunstwerke - SADOFSKY & TRANTINA dates back to 2015, one of the results of which was, for example, the statue of “Tragedy as a farce” (referring to the work of Slavoj Zizek) for the Brussels Parliament. In collaboration with Sadofsky Trantina presented artworks in a prestigious galleries such is DOX Prague and others. In 2016 Trantina spent three months on the island of Saint Thomas in the Caribbean residence of Meda Mládek, a Czech mercenary of visual art. Trantina‘s visual speech represents a fine synthesis of gestural painting and expressive abstraction describing a real model or topic. In each of Trantina‘s paintings, energy and dynamism attract attention. Traces of the creative process and thinking enter a vivid dialogue with the topic itself. The result is not formalism, but some sort of embodied power of the author‘s visual speech accompanied by strong authenticity. The works are rare evidence of fundamental need for painting or creating in the purest sense and ability to leave limits of the image behind the frame and let the imagination expand to space. The themes of Trantina‘s painting embrace various areas - formally he deals with portraits, figures, still lifes and landscape. The result of the process is not just stacking of colored layers, mixing of stains, sprayed or spread colors complemented by structures and gluing other materials to canvas or other painting substrate. In addition to free intuitive painting, the process is controlled by the author’s will and experience to achieve specific representation and maintains therefore, the goal of meaning. It is obvious that this is a consciously controlled process and non coincidental mixture of emotions, energy and artistic empirics. Trantina tends to ironize the subject from the very beginning of the creative process and works with confrontation (Creator and his favorites, 2008, Smoking makes friends, 2010;), does not avoid erotica (Pinup, 2008) or lyricization (Garden, 2008, Big Blue Rose, 2008, cycle Forest, 2011). Trantina’s most recent paintings are materialised dialogues addressed to rather controversial icons of the western world (“Social” portrait (Leni Reifenstahl, 2018; Marylin - Me Too; 2018), portrait and head as personality symbol (Politically Correct Cowboy, 2018; I love You, 2018). They reestablish continuity with his former work of the cycle Idols and Gods from 2008-2010. Today, Dan Trantina is not only a prominent representative of the graduates of the Načeradský School. He has created and held an important place on the contemporary painting scene, his paintings are represented in important public collections.