Andrea Stanić

Andrea Stanić

Sobre el Artista

She has been painting for 30 years and has participated in numerous solo and group exhibitions in Croatia and the world; Italy, South American countries, Greece, Turkey, USA, France, South Korea, Japan, etc.
She is a member and artistic ambassador of many prestigious art organizations; Hdlu-Zagreb, her artistic name and work have a lifetime guarantee from UNOTA, president of the Consell International de les Artes for Croatia, ambassador of Vision art media New York, Realizar La Paz Argentina, IAC brand ambassador.
 Last year, she had 4 solo exhibitions in museums in South Korea, was presented four times at exhibitions in Times Square in New York, participated in biennales of contemporary art, and won 2nd place in the world competition of the pop art biennale "Negative force". with the picture "Stop violence against women". She was included in the contemporary art book as well as the winner of the "50 artists for investment" award, and the promotion was at the Museum of Science and Technology-Leonardo da Vinci in Milan. She is also the curator of the Theme Museum in Korea for the 10th International Art Festival. She is the winner of world art awards; Biennial Oscar dela Creativa.Monaco, Donatello-Florence, Master award Vam-New York, Grand Prix-Monaco, Sanremo, Zervas CLUBA Unesco, Influential Croatian woman for art and culture.. Awarded with the WIO 2024 GLOBAL recognition that recognizes and acknowledges leadership and invincible the potential of women to create change.
 Her works have been published in world contemporary art magazines with excellent art criticism
She finds inspiration in the nature that surrounds her, and through her abstractions she often explores the inner world of feelings that are often hidden in people.
When he paints, he believes that the painting must first be liked by itself, and he believes that art does not need to be understood, because if art were understood, then there would be no criticism, neither good nor bad.
-President of Croatia for Consell International de Les Arts-CIA, 2023.U.N.O.T.A.
-Ambassador for Croatia -Vision Art Media New York, USA
-Ambassador for Croatia-Barischarte Columbia
-Member of ACCES - Society for Art and Intercultural Exchange, France
-United Nations of Business-United Nations Arts @ Sciences, UNOTA-Andrea Stanic /artist @ fb page
- member of the International Association of Professional Artists VIPPA, New York, USA
- ambassador of culture, peace and art REALIZAR-LA PAZ, Argentina
-IAC Brand Ambassador in the international ART Caravan