patrick deshayes

patrick deshayes

Sobre el Artista

Free as a line ™ Patrick Deshayes is a self-made artist and painter, driven by passion and intuition. Born in Le Mans (France), young Patrick was obsessed not only by race cars, but also by art; he attended classes at the « Beaux-Arts » Art School. His professional life took him in diverse directions: business as a fashion stores owner, and IT after he received his Degree in Computer Engineering. But his passion for painting was always present. Patrick seemingly never stopped painting, on both paper and canvas. Although he had sold some of his paintings, he did not feel ready to embark on an exhibition yet. Then in 2006, Patrick moved to New York with his wife. He became familiar with the Art scene by attending the Art Student League. He has also explored museums and art galleries in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston, Miami, Chicago,... Deshayes immersed himself fully into painting, and considers it his profession. Since 2006, Patrick has exhibited his art in galleries and shows around the US: Miami, Scottsdale, Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Hoboken,… as well as internationally in Austria and China. He has been featured in several editions of the International Contemporary Masters. Website: e-mail: