Richard W. von Gerhardberg

Richard W. von Gerhardberg

Sobre el Artista Richard W. von Gerhardberg majored in fine art and sculpture in Wiener Kunstschule in Vienna, Austria and ASP (Akademia Sztuk Pieknych) in Poznan, Poland. Also studied sculpture, mold making and bronze casting in IRCC in Vero Beach Florida. He was a member of Fifth Avenue Art Gallery in Melbourne, FL . He is currently an associate with Allied Artists of America in New York, and is a member of Florida Artists Registry. He is commissioning portraits in oil and pencils also designing and creating custom architectural ornaments. Most recent awards: 2020: Art Room Gallery "Contemporary" Juried Art Exhibition Merit Award 2020: Patterns Art Show October 2020 Merit Award 2020: Art Room Gallery Black and White "Honorable Mention" 2018: 2nd Place in the 2nd Annual Colors Juried Art Exhibition Selected Honors and Awards: 2001: Finalist winner in the Artist's Magazine Art Competition in the portrait category. 2002: Finalist winner in the Artist's Magazine Art Competition in the portrait category. 2003: Allied Artists of America, INC New York. Certificate of Merit Aileen and Manual de Torres Graphics Award. 2003: Finalist winner in the 20th Annual Artist's Magazine Art Competition in the portrait category. 2003: Award of Excellence from Manhattan Arts International for outstanding talent. 2003: Won " Best of Drawing and Graphics" Stage Gallery in Long Island, New York. Featured in The Artist's Magazine Special- Drawing Board July 2004 issue. " More than Black and White" His drawings, paintings and sculptures are owned by private collectors practically all over the world.