The Green Migration

Giang Pham

In Vietnam, even though it has only been popular in recent years, a minimal and nature-friendly lifestyle is gradually attracting young people instead of the hustle and bustle of an industrial society. Known as "leaving the city to the village", there has been a wave of reverse migration from cities to many rural areas in Vietnam. A "green migration". This project was initially an attempt to understand what motivated these young people to return to the countryside and their process of self-changing to integrate to their new environment. But, the COVID-19 pandemic with the extreme lockdown at where he lives has changed the author's perspective. From the impact of the pandemic on the economic and employment situation, travel restrictions and observations on the community during the lockdown, the author decided to expand the scope of this project to include the urban youth and their efforts to practice agriculture at home. There is no one common pattern for everybody. Each little story about to be told here is the experience and perspective of each individual in his or her own journey of practicing a sustainable lifestyle. Then, the audience can understand, reflect and discuss the concept of "migration" beyond the physical boundary and draw conclusions for themselves.