Johanne Kourie

Johanne Kourie

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Johanne Kourie is a professional painter from Montreal. She has experimented with several mediums over the past few years, such as ink, charcoal, pastel, oil and acrylic. The chemistry of colors fascinates her, she studies them, tests them until she obtains the perfect mixture for each of her works. Nature, mainly the sky and the clouds, are a constant source of wonder, rejuvenation and inspiration. It is particularly found in the impressionist style. Kourie's works have been exhibited in various places in Canada, notably at the Musée de Charlevoix, the Musée de Vaudreuil, at the Carrefour Culturel Paul-Médéric, Baie-St-Paul as well as in several cultural centers and galleries across Quebec. On the international scene, her work has been presented in New York, ArtExpo NY, New Jersey, Paris, Venice, Milan, Normandy, Qatar. His works can be found in several public and private publications and collections.