Roxanne I Fulkerson

Roxanne I Fulkerson

Sobre el Artista

As long as I can remember I've created things - jewelry, food, pottery, floral arrangements, music, dance, poetry and plays. In truth, painting came later. I learned from watching, imitating life and then making things my own. That is really what art is, the imitation of life. The decision to pursue my visual art as a career was simple, it just took me a lifetime to get here. Life comes in layers. Within the triumphs and pain are continual life lessons. So that is how I paint. My purpose is not to mask each layer but to enhance it - just as each hope and heartache combine to reveal a destiny. Painting is very visceral for me. It's almost like I have to release the color and passion I feel inside on to the canvas. It is truly a discipline which brings harmony and balance to my soul. And I'm so thankful for the opportunity to do so. Roxanne Fulkerson