Faye Postma

Faye Postma

Sobre el Artista

Faye Postma is digital painter, photographer and interior decorator. Faye grew up in Canada and was born in the Netherlands. As a child she already got acquainted with photography. Her parents had a camera, which was often used to take pictures with. Later on, back in the Netherlands Faye bought a camera of her own. She then took pictures of her family and of nature. At the beginning of the 70’s of the last century she followed schooling at Famous Artists School (Leiden) to become an illustrator. From 1990 until 1994 she followed schooling to become an interior decorator with enterprise diploma at “Stichting Hout en Meubel” Groningen. With her interior decorators advice, photography came in handy. In consequence of this Faye got interested in the many possibilities of digital photography. To improve on the subject of digital photography Faye followed from the end of 2003 until 2006 photography courses at “The Meldij” (Drachten) with teacher Denis Markic. About halfway this course she developed her digital painting using photography as basis. The manner in which Faye works has different names such as: cross-media, mixed media or digi-art. She calls it “Fantasy in Motion”. So she uses photography and digital painting. With her photography and digital painting she wants to pass the boundaries of reality. “ Look around you, real or not real”. Faye has had and has exhibitions in galleries, theater and other public places. Every year she has several art fairs.