Joseph Goldfedder

Joseph Goldfedder

Sobre el Artista

My initial education was in the fine arts – BFA from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. Later in life, after living under the big sky of New Mexico, I decided to become an acupuncturist. I graduated with a MSOM from Southwest Acupuncture College in Albuquerque, New Mexico. After graduation I was led to Portland, Oregon for many years where I began practicing acupuncture. I moved home to the east coast in 2014 to be closer to family. At that time I also started to expand my understanding of the medicine. Acupuncture blends my fascination with the interaction of art, science, creativity and healing. Acupuncture, like drawing, is the art of placing needles along patterns of energy on the body. Vital energy or “Qi” is activated much like the lines of energy in my drawings. A shift in consciousness is something I strive for when people view my work. It’s said in Chinese Medicine that “where the mind goes, the “Qi” follows”. Blending these ideas about Chinese Medicine, the movement of “Qi” and healing in general, informs the direction in my work.