Penelope Nanton

Penelope Nanton

Sobre el Artista

A global travller born in Trinidad and Tobago, I was diligently waiting for my children to grow so that I could return to my creative genius. In 2012 a life tidal wave changed my life. With 30 years in the Health and Well Being industry, I thought I could deal with anything, but stress overcame me and I sought help from therapists. Initially, this worked, but soon the repetition of my pain became too much to bare. The universe stepped in and brought me an amazing couple who took me under their wing and introduced me to Reiki healing. This brought me the peace I desired but there was still that creative void inside me. All I wanted to do was paint. In stepped the universe again and in a beautiful town called Levens, North of Nice, my saviour arrived in the form of an art therapist. This is my moment, we are lucky if we can identify the exact moment of change. The coming years saw me morph from a rigid perfectionist into a fluid artist. It all took time. I was going through a tricky divorce and caring for one of my children who had the Guillan Barre Syndrome, whilst living in campsites and holiday homes because I left the marital home. I painted everyday because it helped, but I never expected to develop my own style. My art therapist challenged me to paint with both hands one day whilst working in a still life and I had an epiphany.A wave of knowledge and experience hit me just like that tidal wave did and I was creating from a deep sense of knowing. Having not been able to walk until late in my childhood, I had been a great observer of detail. My Doctor, known as the man with Golden hands, had encouraged me to connect with nature and universal energy. This connection was my empathic, caring nature comes through on the canvas. I channel all of this creative genius, universal energy and joy into my work so that you can feel it when you own and view the piece. More than a decorative piece to adorn the walls of your home, it will pass down generationally with its own story, bringing joy to many. I would be honoured if you would take the time to view my gifts to this world and I know that you will be proud to own one of my joyous pieces from my soul to yours. Please visit the website for more info