Rudnik Mikhail

Rudnik Mikhail

Sobre el Artista

I was born in Vladimir on October 24, 1960. in the old hospital, as many of my countrymen, between the station, Central prison, mental hospital and cemetery. No matter what, always remain an optimist. He studied at the children's art and ordinary schools. Boys are lucky to get in the Studio of young artists to a known schedule Boris Frantsuzov. Worked as a designer on "Lenin". Until the Soviet Army. There he studied the pencil portraits after "lights out". Was lucky to get in good company at the faculty of arts Vladimir pedagogical Institute. Educated, flew on "Rural airplane" 40 minutes. And for three years landed in a clay arable land in a remote village. “Without visits” Construction of perestroika Art... fits and starts, more difficult than in the army. In the end, not looking and not looking, I got the chance to paint. The influence of the so-called "Vladimir school" (V.Yukin, K.Britov, V.Kokurin), of course! But... if the artist works constantly, every day, that will form its own palette, technology, philosophy, recognition. I think that nothing I'm afraid. Rejoice. In the beginning of my career where I am today, it can be dangerous. We'll see... Member of the Creative Union of artists of Russia and the International art Fund. I travel a lot. Exhibit in the Russia, Europe, the middle East, in the United States. ... I sell.