Ronnie Genotti

Ronnie Genotti

Sobre el Artista

With an energetic application of paint, I try to capture raw expressions of what I have seen and felt, experiences that are stones in my soul and have come to shape my life. Experiences that are confused by memory yet still glue us to points in our past. My hope is to get them out into the world, pin them like butterflies to a board, so that we can examine them on our own terms and no longer on theirs. My goal is not for the viewer to understand the references behind a particular piece (what it’s “about”) but rather I hope they’ll grok, wholly and deeply, the emotional landscape of the images to apply to their own imperfect existences. ​ Although the subject matter may be based on internal reference points, experience is secondary to the decisions I make when constructing the image: choices of color, line, volume, and application. That is to say, the relationship among artist, subject, and image is my predominant concern.