Michael Klöpfer

Michael Klöpfer

Sobre el Artista

Education 2003 Diplom, Graduation with honors, Department of Photography, Class of Professor Bernhard Prinz, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, Germany 2001 - 02 Academy of Fine Arts, Department of Time and Space, Helsinki, Finland 2000 - 01 University of Art and Design (UIAH) / Aalto University, Department of Art, Helsinki, Finnland 1999 - 03 Continued studies of Photography, Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, Germany, Department of Photography, Class of Professor Bernhard Prinz, Germany 1997 - 98 Erasmus exchange Programm at University of Art and Design (UIAH) / Aalto University, Department of Photography, Helsinki, Finland 1993 - 97 Communication-Design, Department of Photography at Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen, Germany Represented in Public Collections Staatgalerie Stuttgart, Germany Photographische Sammlung/SK Stiftung Kultur, Cologne, Germany Kunstsammlung DZ Bank, Frankfurt, Germany CBK, Rotterdam, The Netherlands New website is under construction. Check back here soon... http://www.michaelkloepfer.com