Hans Guerin

Hans Guerin

Sobre el Artista

Born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1978, Hans Guerin is the sixth generation of artists in his family. His maternal grandparents, Hans and Ann Didusch Schuler, founded the Schuler School of Fine Arts, and his mother, Francesca Schuler Guerin, is the present director of the Schuler School. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Salisbury University in 2000, Hans enrolled in the Schuler School of Fine Arts to continue his family legacy, graduating in 2005. Through the School’s curriculum, Hans has become proficient in sculpture, oil painting, watercolor, and drawing. In addition to his studies, Mr. Guerin assists the school as their framer, instructor, and technical assistant. He has conducted workshops in various media and teaches privately as well. Mr. Guerin’s work has shown in various gallery shows and fundraisers throughout the United States.