Daniel de Culla

Daniel de Culla

Sobre el Artista

I am Daniel de Culla. Poet & Writer. Painter & Photographer. Member of the Spanish Writers Association. Founder and Editor of the reviews of BodyArt, Art and Culture GALLO TRICOLOR, and ROBESPIERRE. He participates in Cultural Acts of Theatre and Performance. He’s living between Burgos, Madrid and North Hollywood. He has published more than 66 books ( Prose, Poetry, HandWritten, Drawings, theatre. My next performance the next 12th December in Minden “COEVOLUTION AND THE OLD TRAIN” I’ve done performances in Madrid, Burgos, And North Hollywood. In Zürich Summer 09 should be the same or I PAINT THE CID BRAYING IN VALENCIA. Member of The Creative Thinkers. Member of The Australian Haiku Society. Member & Friend of The Blake Society. Friend of the Swedenborg Soc.