Lorna Beecroft

Lorna Beecroft

Sobre el Artista

Lorna Beecroft lives on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada on a small hobby farm with her husband, horses and cats. Surrounded by animals she loves, including much wildlife, she will see an interesting behaviour, a tilt of a head, subtle expression, or graceful line and feel compelled to capture the moment and feeling in her art. The joy of creating for her is watching the subject materialize as if of its own will. Lorna has had a life-long joy of creating with anything at hand. Her serious journey into art began in 2015 when she completely immersed herself in drawing and painting. She has followed her own self-directed educational path, attending workshops with world-class artists, taking in-person courses, using online resources, and hours upon hours of practice Lorna has received many awards, including “Honorable Mention” for “Alone She Ponders” in the Summer 555 Light Space Time Gallery show, "Special Merit" in the 2022 Light Space Time All Women's" show for "Beautiful Bella"(chosen out of 1147 submissions from 30 different countries), and "Special Recognition" for "Nap Time" in that same show. She is an Active Member of the Federation of Canadian Artists, juried in by her peers, and has had her works displayed in their Vancouver, Canada gallery. Her art is also found in homes and businesses in the US, across Canada and in many other venues.