Doriana Sinnett

Doriana Sinnett

Sobre el Artista

She has always been creative, with a passion for art and music from a young age. Listening to music while doodling was one of her favorite pastimes. Photography was also a passion of hers, particularly when it came to capturing moments with her family. She took courses to improve her skills before traveling to India, and her passion quickly turned into an obsession. After five years of photography, she discovered Sebastián Michael's Photoshop Artistry course and was captivated by the possibilities of combining her artistic talents with computer technology. Her spiritual journey began at the age of 17 and has been a constant anchor throughout her life. After running a left-brained business for 28 years, transitioning to art felt like a natural step. The advancement of technology has made her connection to creating art even stronger, and her digital art reflects her positive, happy mindset. She believes in the balance of positive and negative energy, and tries to channel only the good from the universe when creating her art. She has been published in magazines locally and internationally, and her work has been showcased in galleries.