Susannah Virginia Griffin

Susannah Virginia Griffin

Sobre el Artista

I am a Mother and an Artist. I have been painting for 13 years, and was originally taught by my father, Duncan Simmons, who is a Hyper-Realist and Watercolorist. I attended the Glassell School of Art in Houston, Texas for a short time, but did not finish art school because I was busy with my three children, but in my free time, I was always painting, and teaching myself different techniques and various styles.......Realism, Modern Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism, where I have worked up to a respectable skill level mostly on my own, with a special "thank you" along the way, to two instructors at Glassell who had a profound influence on me, and taught me 'how to see'.....and how to 'enter a painting'.....two things that seem so simple, yet so fundamentally important, and once I grasped this, painting flowed easily and naturally for is my core, and flows through my veins. Aside from painting, I also create Ink drawings where I incorporate Graphic Design.....I call my Ink and Graphic work "Kovaism", (some call me "Kova") for I do not know how else to describe the way I see things, and transfer these visions to is how I see, and the way I see it is....there is life in everything. So for the last two years, while seeing life in this way....seeing life all around me, I have developed a love for photography, "iphone photography" to be specific, which has become a passionate part of my daily life, and I enjoy writing poetry inspired by my photos, and sharing my thoughts and daily musings on my I have somewhat developed a romance with the heavens you can say:) I can look up to the sky on just about any given day and always find a heart. It happens all the time!! I would also love to write and illustrate children's books....this is something else I desire to do, and foresee in my near future. My ultimate and over all agenda in life, I would say, is to inspire the world to see love and miracles....the magnificent and beautiful, insurmountable works of G-D, which I see each and every day....and sharing what I see, and feel, through my art, and the art of choosing words of positive influence, filled with hopes and dreams......grand ideas....and just the simple, little things, which really are the great things in life.....until one day.......the whole world is smiling together.