by Christiano

Artwork Description

Melting Girls - Oil on canvas - 24 x 36 inches.

0.0 x 0.0

Melting Girls by Christiano - Yin yang is complementary opposites that interact within a greater whole, as part of a dynamic system. Positive and negative, light and dark, good and evil, hot and cold, female and male, etc… Yin is female and yang is male. As the two girls mould into each other you see that they are two parts of a whole. Although both are female and exhibiting homosexual behavior they represent two aspects of a single reality. They are dependent on their opposing force but they flow through a natural cycle always seeking balance. They fit together as two parts of a whole, so they complement the duality of the universe. Each contains the seed of the other hence, the black spot of Yin in the white Yang and vice versa. In a woman there is a bit of man inside of her and in a man there is a bit of woman inside of him… therefore the woman that exists inside of me is Lesbian!

Artwork Details

