Lucinda Batchelor

Lucinda Batchelor

Sobre el Artista

The beautifully poetic French word for twilight is ‘l'heure entre chien et loup’, or ‘the hour between the dog and the wolf’. The phrase describes the approaching dark as a time when things move from familiar to wild, or when the failing light means it’s hard to distinguish between a dog and a wolf. This phrase feeds into my passion for nature photography and describes perfectly how light changes everything. With this in mind I love to use natural light as much as possible to capture the perfect simplicity, ethereal qualities, patterns and atmospheres of worlds which interconnect with our own. I also incorporate as many environmental initiatives into my work as I can, from the subjects I choose to the suppliers I engage, always with the natural world in mind. I have worked for celebrated artists whose pieces are included in the Royal Collection, and other work features in the National Portrait Gallery's collection in London.