Sobre el Artista

For Hufreesh, Art is Life and Life is Art! The two are not separate! Each inspires the other to create, to be, to express, to dream… Her paintings are not thought-out or planned, but are the spontaneous expressions of her inner being. She aspires to be the instrument which channels pure creativity from this world and other unseen worlds. In her creations mind is left outside the door and Inspiration is welcomed to do as she please on her canvases. For the past 12 years, She has been working and living in the inspiring and often challenging atmosphere of Auroville, an international township, in Tamil Nadu, India, where men and women of all countries aspire to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. It is an experiment in Human Unity! A place that fulfills her need to dedicate her life to a cause, that in its small way helps humanity as a whole ! And from that deep innate need for world harmony, springs forth her Art, which expresses harmony, joy, love, peace, beauty and the everlasting wonder and awe of this magnificent Divine Creation ! She has had numerous group and solo shows all over the world. In December 2009 she participated in the prestigious Florence Biennale, Italy. Then in 2011, International Salon d'Art in Marseille, France, Bieenale in Izmir, Turkey and PreBiennale Venice, in Venice Italy.