Bruce Cowell

Bruce Cowell

Sobre el Artista

In March and April 2020 he had an exhibition with others at the Marziart Internationale Gallery in Hamburg, Germany, and is a featured artist in the arts magazine "Spotlight"which was released in March 2020. Finalist in the online art competition by Circle-Arts .com with Expo-Arts new York and is presented as a featured artist on the Circle Foundation for the Arts web site 2021. Exhibited at the WWA Pavillion in New York in 2020 Bruce Cowell has been featured in the publication "Who's Who in Visual Art" Published in Leipzig Germany and in the German Publication "International Kunst Heute" (International Art Today) as well as in the WeContempoprary Art Catalogue published by Musa International Art Space, Palermo Italy and has had work hung in the Blank Wall gallery in Athens, Greece. ​ Second prize winner in the Artrom Gallery "Consequences of Light" photographic competition in Rome Italy and second prize winner in the Hasselblad Masters of Photography Competition. The image "Beth Plays the Clowns" received an Honorable Mention in the Circle Foundation Artist of the Year Awards 2019 , Lyon, France Commissioned as an artist to produce images for projection on to the giant sun sails that covered much of the site of World Expo 1988 in Brisbane, Australia. Photographer for the book, "Wild Places of Greater Brisbane" ( No.1 best seller in Queensland for twelve straight weeks.) Senior photographer for the books, "Wild Guide to Moreton Bay", " Wild Plants of Greater Brisbane", "Discovery Guide to Outback Queensland", "Wildlife of Greater Brisbane", "Kangaroos of Queensland", "Wildlife of Tropical north Queensland". He was Senior Photographer and Picture Editor for "Wildlife Australia" magazine and co-ordinator and judge of the "Australian Wildlife Photographer of the Year" competition. Principal photographer in the "Outback Queensland" photographic exhibition that toured Queensland. Some of his photographs were used to illustrate the World Heritage nomination document submitted to UNESCO to gain world heritage protection of the Australian wet tropical rainforests.