Eugene Rubuls

Eugene Rubuls

Sobre el Artista

"In a time dominated by unsettling environmental news, beauty and hope can be hard to come by. My biggest mission is to create paintings that have not only aesthetic impact on the viewer, but also can trigger emotions and important questions. At eye level, the reef is healthy and diverse. It virtually comes alive with vibrant colours. But as the viewers’ eyes are drawn upward, they are confronted with the devastating effects of human impact on corals. Coral reefs are living and complex organisms, the heart of an immense habitat of marine species Their disappearance will entail a disastrous imbalance on all: ecological, climate and human levels. When you fall in love with something you naturally want to protect it. That is why I intend to connect viewers with the underwater living wonderland, and I hope to spark a conversation about the importance of marine conservation. I would like my art to be like a window into a world that not everyone has an opportunity to see, to preserve unique scenery, exquisite moments and create visual depiction of the natural world, an endangered world that may not be available in the future.”