Thomas Mushet

Thomas Mushet

Sobre el Artista

Born in Scotland as a kid he was put off art by a teacher who just didn’t inspire. He remembered coming across a book that introduced him to Jackson Pollock works. From that day he was hooked again to art and painting. Art to him is about statements, the dual use of colours and words in his art reinforce his message. His works try to capture the freedom and motion of paint to canvass that Jackson expressed in his works but he also wants the viewer of his art to seek meaning, be moved positively or negatively and maybe just maybe question their own preconceived ready held beliefs. Self taught working with both acrylic and watercolours. Unusually he sometimes paints on polystyrene. Loves the unpredictability of the material, also loves that he is recycling, repurposing a material that not many people find a use for. Other influences are Dadaism, Surrealism, fave artists Dali, de Chirico, Mason, Duchamp, Miró, Kandisky and Pollock. Art from all periods anything that makes a statement motivates. Most of his pieces are statement pieces. His work is very often political, social or environmental in theme... Moved by the conditions that many people on the planet have to experience either politically, socially or environmentally. Wants to make art to make a difference, to move people to question, effect change. A percentage of each sale donated to charity. Not a great fan of letting his paintings go, but if someone likes the work as much as him and is moved by it then that’s great. To date his works have gone to collectors and supporters in China, US and U.K.