Piotr Barszczowski

Piotr Barszczowski

Sobre el Artista

Dr PIOTR FRANCISZEK BARSZCZOWSKI visual artist and photographer, visual communication designer, theologian and educator. He was born in 1972 in Tarnow in Poland. He is a graduate of two universities in Krakow: Academy of Fine Arts and the Pontifical University. He specialized in the field of visual communication and in the field of the history of sacred art. As a visual artist, graphic designer, is the author of visual identification for over 500 companies - is also a court expert in this field. He belongs to the Association of Polish Artists and Designers and to the Association of Polish Art Photographers. He is the creator of "NEW-STAINED-GLASS" - a characteristic photo-collage composed with fragments of macro and micro photography. In 1995 he founded the Art Workshop in Tarnow and the "SYMBOL" Gallery. Lecturer and researcher at the University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow (UAS Tarnow) Since 2018, he has been the president of the PEGAZ Art Foundation.