reza sayyad soufdoost

reza sayyad soufdoost

Sobre el Artista

I have been painting since 2000, experiencing different methods and materials. I have participated in many group exhibitions, and I have 4 solo exhibitions in my resume. He has had 4 solo exhibitions: 2008-painting Zaviyeh gallery of art in Tehran. 2009-Collage Gita gallery of art in Tehran. 2010-painting Nikzad gallery of art in Tehran. 2012-painting Barg gallery of art in Tehran. He has participated in 17 group exhibitions: 2002 Mehr gallery of art in Tehran. 2002 Mehr gallery of art in Tehran.(The sponsor was association of cancer of Iran) 2004 Zaviyeh gallery of art in Tehran. 2004 Zaviyeh gallery of art in Tehran. 2005 Gita gallery of art in tehran. 2007 Iranian Artists forum in Teharn. 2008 Afrang gallery of art in Esfehan. 2009 Modern art gallery in Armenia. 2010 the selected work in 7th Iranian National Biennial of Painting. 2010 the selected work in human habitation of London. 2011 Iranian Artists forum in Tehran. 2011 Barg gallery of art in Teharn. 2012 Iranian Artists forum in Tehran. 2012 the selected work of biennial of painting in Saba gallery in Teharn. 2013 Saba gallery of art in Tehran. 2013 Iranian Artists forum in Tehran. 2014 Iranian Artists forum in Tehran. 2016 Iranian Artists forum in Tehran. 2018 Barg gallery of art in Teharn. 2020 Iranian Artists forum in Tehran