Lisa Knight

Lisa Knight

Sobre el Artista

I have always had an eye for photography and have been able to capture the beauty of something that didn’t even look that beautiful. To me a dead tree can still look so alive. A so-called barren landscape can also be full of abundance. After watching an Artist friend of mine, I was inspired to draw from photographs of different landscapes and settings that captured my eye and heart, taken whilst travelling around Australia. I thought of what else was close to my heart and tried my children, my pets, the list goes on. That led to my families’ children and then their pets. Every drawing seemed to capture the energy or essence of who they are and I thank them all for being them and being great subjects too! The comments of “Who are you and what have you done to our Lisa?” confirmed that I wasn’t half bad at this drawing thing. And the tears from other family members over subjects that were close to their hearts also made me want to continue to see how far I could take this. Then I asked what else was possible with my new found talent and along came an opportunity to illustrate a gorgeous book called "Triunia"! I’m so grateful for who I be and of those who I’ve met that have also contributed to my life and in ways that I’m not even aware of yet.