Stefano Barattini

Stefano Barattini

Sobre el Artista

He started taking pictures in 1979, when he took up traveling. Since then, in his life, photographs and journeys merged together in an indissoluble bound. He begin his five year cooperation with the magazine Mototurismo in 1990, followed by that with Scooter Magazine, where he published several journey features and some additional articles on the scooter world. After a pause for reflection, at the time when digital era was coming to life he went back to taking pictures taking advantage of the new technologies available. His focus was still on journeys and especially on Africa. Architecture (with a special interest for the rationalist period) and the ever growing suburban spaces where human presence is, in his shots, absent most of the times, are themes that he cover periodically. He’ve been photographing for about 5 years abandoned places with great interest and satisfaction, especially industrial areas. Places that present a unique charm, resulting from lights and shadows, dust, odors and great silence, and most of all from memories. It is indeed such memories, these traces of the past, that he quest and, capture with this camera, getting lost in the surroundings trying to find the appropriate framing and the right light to best represent them. This is a sort of parallel universe close to us that photography  contributes to bringing back to life for an instant. Recently he started to approach aerial photography by drone. This tool allows you to have a different view from those who are "down to earth”, and are able to record images of the area difficult to reach by the human eye if not using external tools such as helicopters or touring planes. His research is aimed at discovering which geometries are hidden in the construction and management of man-made fields. SOLO EXIBITIONS: Beyond the factory - 22 images (70x50) about abandoned industrial sites in Lombardia, with a small focus on street art into that places. MILANO - June 19-July 18 c/o Bookshop Bicocca Franco Angeli CAMPI BISENZIO (FI) - October 30 2016: Experimental day of Photography c/o Teatro Dante African roads - 5 images (70x50) about roads and unpaved roads in Africa. ROSSANA Foto Festival (CN) - September 29 October 2 2016 African Portraits - 15 images (35x50) in black and white about people in Tanzania, Namibia, Kenya, Ethiopia. MILANO - January 23-January 19 February 2017 - c/o Ostello Bello, via Medici 4 Portraits of Dust - 20 images (50x70) about interiors of abandoned villas and palaces in Italy and Europe. MILANO - April 21-May 18 2017 - during Milano Photo Festival c/o Bookshop Bicocca Franco Angeli MILANO - June 2018 - Opening new Deutsche Bank Investment Center (actually in permanent exhibition) ROSSANA (CN) - Sept. 14- Oct. 07 2018 - Rossana Foto Festival Altars - 15 images (70x50) about abandoned church in Italy and Europe. Fratta Polesine (Rovigo) - April 22-May 7 - during Polesine Fotografia 2017

Lost Values - 10 images (100x70) about abandoned industrial sites in Europe at the official opening of the industrial pole TNC in Alba (Piemonte).
In the Factory are permanent displayed 4 images (200x300) e 3 images (140x200).
ALBA - 23 settembre 2017 Lost Values Extended - 20 images (100x70) about abandoned industrial building. GORGONZOLA - May 26-June 10 2018 during Milano Photo Festival - Palazzo Pirola FIRENZE - September 07/28 2018 - c/o Hotel Cellai VARESE - 2019 - 30 images about abandoned industrial sites - Showcases Gallery.

Metamorfosi urbane - 15 images with text about industrial paces recovered in Milano. MILANO - June 6/22 - c/o Urban Center (Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II) during Milano Photo Week. Bauhaus 100 (1919-2019) - 8 images about the school in Dessau.
MILANO - March 12-22 2019 - Politecnico di Milano - Scuola di Architettura Urbanistica Ingegneria delle Costruzioni. MILANO - April 2019 - Bookshop Franco Angeli Bicocca for “Milano Photo Festival” ROSSANA (CN) - settembre 2019 for “Rossana Foto Festival” NOVARA - Dec. 20 2019-Jan. 6 2020 Lost Values - 30 images about abandoned factories.
VARESE - 2019 - Showcases Gallery
MILANO - 26 aprile 6 maggio 2022 - Academy FrancoAngeli Bicocca Rural Geometries - The distance of beauty - 41 images about the geometry of cultivated field (drone). MILANO - Jan 24-Feb 22 2020 - Spazio Casa Tadini MILANO - Oct 26-Nov 6 2020 - Bookshop Franco Angeli Bicocca for “Milano Photo Festival” MILANO - Sept 30-Oct 14 2022 - Bookshop Franco Angeli Bicocca for “Milano Photo Festival” GROUP EXIBITIONS:
Fragments of abandoned Italy - 5 images (70x100 e 50x70) about abandoned places in Italy.
ROMA - March 15 2018 - Organized by the association “Italia Abbandonata” - LUISS University (three photographers invited) Note Fotografiche - 5 images about abandoned places.
MILANO - March 17/18 2018 - Organized by the group “Note Fotografiche” for Novegro Photo Day. Viaggio in periferia - 4 pictures about Milano suburbs.
BOLOGNA - June 2018 - c/o Darkroom Gallery Bauhaus Club - 12 pictures (100x70) about the Bauhaus building in Dessau.
ROMA - October 20-December 15 2018 - c/o Contemporary Cluster Art Gallery CROMOSOMICO-Rappresentazioni di patrimoni - 5 images about abandoned industrial sites.
Napoli - 21-29 novembre 2019 - Palazzo Gravina - Ambulacro delle Biblioteca BOOKS - 2015 - Beyond the factory 2017 - Portraits of Dust. Distributed by Hoepli - ISBN: 9786009898060 - 2019- Bauhaus 100 (1919-2019) a cura di Foglio Clandestino. Tiratura limitata - ISBN: 788894430226 AWARDS - 1° prize Città di Mortara Contest 2016 - 1° prize portfolio reading - Giornata Sperimentale di fotografia 2016 - Finalist Artistic Award Cairo Editore 2017 - Finalist Malamegi Lab 8 2017 - Special Mention National Photo Contest Mondovì Photo 2017 - Special Mention portfolio reading - Milano Photo Festival 2017 - 1° prize Gallery25N Competition “Red” 2017 - Finalist Fomenar Price 2017 - 3° prize ADG Photo Contest by AD Gallery 2017 - Finalist Cascella Price 2018 - Finalist Marchionni Price 2018
- Honorable Mention Barcelona International Photography Awards BIPA 2018
- 2° prize in BAC - Biancoscuro Art Contest Montecarlo 2018 - Honorable Mention Siena International Photography Awards SIPA 2018 Finalist Gallery25N Competition “Moment in time” 2018 1° Prize Artistic Award Deutsche Bank Italy Finalist HIPA 2021 competition 1° Prize photography category BAC (Biancoscuro Art Contest) 2021 EVENTI E ALTRE ATTIVITA’ Code MIA 2017 Pavia Art Talent 2018 Relator about aerial photography - Spazio Tadini - Milano - 2019 Training and Workshop about architecture photography for students of IV Liceo Artistico Angelo Frattini di Varese Photographic project for the illustration of the book “Chiave di Svolta" for “Associazione Amici Obesi" PRESS REVIEW Domus Magazine 2017 Italian Ways June 2017 Lost in Fabrics July 11 2017 Compasses Magazine n. 26 2017 Dodho Magazine 2017 AD Architectural Digest España Photo Cult n. 149 - March 2018 Photosophia n. 34 Jan/Feb 2019 Domus Magazine - March 25 2019 Abitare - March 18 2019 Diatomea - March 25 2019 Photosophia n. 38 - Sept. 2018 REST (digital Magazine) n. 26 2021 WE DO THE REST (digital magazine) Summer Edition 2021 REST (digital Magazine) n. 28 2021