Sobre el Artista

•Graduation in Fine Arts, from Visual Study Department University of Karachi, Karachi, Pakistan 2003-2006 •Intermediate in Arts, from Govt. College for Women Karachi Board 2001-2002 •One year Diploma in Information Technology Aligarh Institute of Technology, Karachi, Pakistan 2001-2002 • Exhibition/competition arranged by UNESCO in 2003 • Exhibition in Expo Center Karachi in 2004 • 2005 • Exhibition in Alliance Francis Art Gallery in 2005 • Participated in Birmingham Institute Arts and Design (BIAD) Competition in 2005 • Participated in VM art Gallery Exhibition of Emergent Talent show in 2005 • 2006 • Participated in Indian Exhibition Expression in Miniature size, PUNE, in 2006 • Participated in ARGENTINA, International Exhibition M.I.A.D VENADO TUERTO, in 2006 • 2007 • Participated In VM art Gallery Karachi, in July 2006 at “ Sensibility” • Participated IJAYA International Art Competition and exhibition Ben Uri Gallery London, on 25th March 2007 • Participated Colorado Medieval Festival USA submitted art work Awarded 3rd place, on 1-3 June 2007 • Pakistani web portal online Exhibition Yellowfactor. “ Past And Present “ by Abdul Rehman Chugtai and Sanya Arif, on 28th September 2007 • Miniature Painting Show, “New End Art Gallery” London “The Art of Storytelling”, on 27th Nov 2007. 2008 • Miniature Painting Group Show. “Collection of Contemporary and Traditional Miniature Art” The Art Gallery “Karachi.on 19 June 2008. • Participate Art Competition and Exhibition “Unveil Murree Past and Present” Pakistan national council of Art Gallery PNAC Islamabad . 22 . Nov 2008. • Participate International Art competition and Exhibition Cultural Association Valentin Ruiz Aznar (Spain, Granada) . 15 Dec 2008 • 2009 • Participate Markem-Image International Art Contest and Exhibition . (France 2009) • Participated 6th Russian Art Week International Art Exhibition and competition Moscow 27 September 2009. • 2010 • Participated Sleep and Breathing Art Competition and Exhibition 2009/2010 (Germany) • Participated Minimum maximum International art exhibition of Miniature in Banja Luka 2010 • Participated 9TH LESSEDRA WORLD ART PRINT ANNUAL MINI PRINT 2010 LESSEDRA Gallery and art Project 25, Milin Kamak Street, 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria June 9th 2010 • Participated 2nd Penang International Print Exhibition 2010 (Penang State Art gallery Malaysia ). 28th October 2010. • 2011 • Participated KYOTO International wood Block Print and International competition in Asia,6th KIWA at Japan on March 29th Tue. April 3rd 2011Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art, Annex. • Participated On Being a human Love, Faith, Shame, and Hope , Art exhibition Picture culture art Center at California on 5th May 2011