Diana W. Tripp

Diana W. Tripp

Sobre el Artista

DIANA W. TRIPP ARTIST’S STATEMENT & BIO My pastels are an art form that I hope “soothes the soul”.  One of my deepest desires in creating art is to move and touch the viewer emotionally.  The purpose of the art is not so much to present a pretty picture as it is to ignite an emotional response that inspires one to examine their own inner thoughts and feelings being evoked by a particular image before them. ?My art career began unexpectedly. Despite a background in Psychology, Social Work, Special Education, Spiritual Counseling and Alternative Healing, I was drawn to take a workshop on unleashing one’s creativity. During the course of this workshop, I became passionate about finding an outlet for artistic expression that continues to motivate me today! I have explored various mediums such as acrylics, watercolor pencil, watercolor and airbrush with acrylic. Simultaneously, I continued to explore fine art courses and workshops to discover which media might feel like a match for my desire to express myself in this new found way. I moved to Boulder, Colorado in 2005 and fell in love with pastels. I have been showing locally and nationally for over 8 years now and enjoying a thriving career as a full time artist. Once I encountered pastel, this medium immediately took center stage in my life and I’ve continued exploring deeper and deeper ways of expressing myself through this rich, sensuous media. I find that in being able to work directly with my hands, I’m able become more personally involved with both the art and the art from itself. The inspiration for my art often has come from my dream state.  I wake up with a message or a vision of something that wants to be expressed.  Sometimes, I’m offered further information on what a particular piece needs to bring it to a deeper or more powerful place.  This relationship with the Divine reflects the Essence of Who I Am – and therefore key in all things that I would choose to express.   Although I am always working on presenting a particular “look” that is unique to my own expression, I also enjoy offering many different styles in my painting.  The motivation for this is somewhat a mystery but I can say that it coincides with my own particular mood at the moment.  I definitely have “pear days” or “classic landscape days"…. but I have to say that whatever the most current work is, is always the most emotionally satisfying because it is being inspired by my most recent “Message from the Divine”, which is also the name of my newsletter available on my website, www.DianaTripp.com. You can learn more about me there, as well as about my line of prints and original works of art! Diana W. Tripp DianaTripp@gmail.com 303 442 3901 www.DianaTripp.com