douglas Smith

douglas Smith

Sobre el Artista

Douglas grew up in the “middle of the bed” which is the Kansas/Colorado Area. With 8 brothers and sisters, life at the household was always chock full things to do and stimulation. The family traveled extensively throughout the USA and was taught to treat everyone as a friend with uniqueness and quality. His mother was an artist “thinker” and promoted Douglas in pursuing avenues for expression while balancing the Midwest straightforward and conservative lifestyle of the 50’s. Douglas started out at Kansas State University hoping that this would be the avenue to explore the world and its people. After a couple of years in Kansas State, Douglas was offered a visit and short term living opportunity in NYC. Seeking and exploring every possibility, Douglas continued his Education at Queens college but also enrolled at the School of Visual Arts where he obtained a BFA- Photography. Although Douglas has traveled extensively throughout the country as a consultant, he has made his home in the NYC for the last 30 years raising his two children here. As an Artist, Douglas places much emphasis to push the boundaries of photography not necessarily by “digital” methods but rather using the discipline fine artists use. This entails diminishing lines, style, stroke and subliminal message and color. His work to some may seem Macabre. He generally titles his works which invoke a feeling or concept He hopes to take the viewer to their path of memory or desire. His work is generally accompanied with writings of his own or fellow artists of the written word. His work has been published under a private label entitled “This Too Shall Pass” which is a collaborative effort from a fellow poet and His visual interpretation of the written words Douglas has had solo and group shows in various galleries throughout the nation including Museum of Contemporary Photography-Chicago, Fine Art photography- Boulder Colorado, and has received accolades from European galleries who indicated they enjoy the content and story line.