Gaia Adducchio

Gaia Adducchio

Sobre el Artista

Gaia Adducchio is an Italian artist based in Rome. After studying film directing at FAMU, the National Film School of Prague, and winning numerous prizes for her documentary and fictional works she gains two MIBACT funding-awards for the realization of a documentary and the development of a feature film. In 2015 she wins an artistic residence at the prestigious photography school CSF Adams in Rome, which leads to the realization of her first photographic project “Family Portraits” debuting during Prague Photo 2016 and gaining a special mention at the first Biennale di Arte Moderna di Perugia. “Naked:#she”, her 2nd project, is shown at Prague Photo 2017; is part of Emerging Talent 2018/19; in February 2020 attends Salon Comparaisons in Paris. Her third project “Étoiles” debuts during Prague Photo 2018. In February 2019 is shown at Salon Comparaisons and in October 2019 at Salon d’Automne in Paris. A selection from her forth project “Polaroid Blooming” is part of Salon d’Automne in October 2021 and again in October 2022, in February 2022 of Salon Comparaisons in Paris. In September 2022 is part of the contemporary art collective “When in Rome” curated by Rodshir Dailë for Dailë Galerie at the Rome Soho House. In February 2023 a selection of her latest project “Naked:#he” is shown at the Salon Comparaisons in Paris. From March 2019 on she realizes a several solo exhibitions both in Rome and abroad. In November 2021 she is guest of honor at Prague Photo 2021, with a solo exhibition curated by Luisa Briganti and Gabriele Agostini, artistic director Iva Nesvadbova. In February 2022 her new solo exhibition "Polaroid Blooming” by the art historian Beatrice Luzi is shown at Art G.A.P. Gallery in Rome. In October 2022 a new edition of the solo exhibition, curated by the art historian Beatrice Luzi, is shown at FdF AquAstyle in Rome, organizers Edmund Kurenia and Francesco De Fabiis. In August 2022 she is part of “Segni: Festival della fotografia” in Capo di Ponte, Valcamonica with her solo exhibition “Ritratti – Portraits” curated by Graziano Filippini and Veronica Marioli.