Nancy Stella Galianos

Nancy Stella Galianos

Sobre el Artista

Bio I was born in Montreal to Greek Canadian parents. My interest in drawing and painting was stimulated at an early age while I spent my childhood and adolescent years in the urban atmosphere of New Jersey. Back in Quebec in the late’60s, I participated in various art workshops at the Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal. A few years later, I completed my studies in Studio Art at Concordia University. Later I studied Communications at the University of Montreal and then I managed a career in diverse business environments. Following my retirement in 2010, I studied at the New York Art Student League and I took a class in Botanical Drawing at the New York Botanical Garden. Several of my works have appeared in publications including MagazinArt, Glamour UK, Art Takes Time Square (2012), Gallery & Studio (magazine) and ARTisSpectrum Magazine. For many years now, I am represented by Gallerie d’Art Michel-Ange (Montreal, QC, CAD) and Sheldon Fine Art Gallery (Newport, RI, USA). Dolcezza, a leading fashion manufacturer based in Montreal, chose two of my works for their Simply Art Spring Collections of 2016 and 2021. I am an active member of CAPSQ (Cercle des Artistes Peintres & Sculpteurs du Québec), FCA (Federation of Canadian Artists) and PPSCC (Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod, USA) and SCA (Society of Canadian Artist).