Oksana Elfouly

Oksana Elfouly

Sobre el Artista

am Ukrainian artist currently based in Dubai, UAE, where I own and operates the Art Studio by Oksana Elfouly. Most of my works are devoted to the ability of a person to use his mind and inner strength to develop his abilities, which are deeply embedded in our subconscious. Thus, my paintings make one think about the limitless possibilities of the human mind through the knowledge of oneself as a person and an integral part of the Multilevel Universe, connection with the Cosmos or the Higher Self. By proposing series of the Black and White paintings, I do invites her viewers to imagine reality by entering into meditation or themselves, thereby using their inner strength to achieve certain goals. In Art- Faces sensuality, emotionality, inspiration and emotionality of the female nature, capable of both destruction and creation, are laid down. A woman is like an element that governs many aspects of life, but Women is also the keeper of the hearth, peace and Mystery. She is always different but the same time similar and always at the height of art from generation to generation.In the Abstraction the images are conveyed through many shades and theimposition of sculptural strokes on the canvas, betraying the wholeversatility of emotionality and the inner world. And finally, the series paintings - my wonderful mini world. This is a smallinterior world - in real time a miracle worth noticing - this is a connectionwith nature and other lives around - this is something that pleases the eyeand is always appreciated.