Carolyn Faseler

Carolyn Faseler

Sobre el Artista

As a teenager, I always thought I’d be a fashion designer or illustrator, but conditions at the time changed all of that. I went to Kansas Wesleyan University in Salina, Kansas, where commercial art wasn’t offered but a fine arts program was. I acquired a teaching degree and a BA in Art which kept me busy in schools—high school and college-- for fifteen years. I will be eternally grateful for that turn of events because I focused on making art which I hadn’t thought of before. In 1969, I received my MA from Fort Hays Kansas State in Hays, Kansas. Since that time, I have traveled to many countries and have visited my share of great museums. With all of that exposure to great art, I have discovered that my personality and experience had determined my direction earlier. That is, toward gesture making where speed and concentration are the dominating forces. I try to make my paintings look effortless by working the painting over and over—sometimes as many as twenty times