Sobre el Artista

Josta Keil was born 1967 in Göttingen, Germany. She spent her childhood in Hannover, Germany, Zürich and Zollikon, Switzerland, Hamburg and Hessen/ Wehretal, Germany. During her childhood years, Josta Keil gave her first art exhibitions. After high school, she studied more at a picture- frame manufacturer. Then Josta Keil went to Hong Kong, China (1990) where she has jobbed among others at an agent for children`s toys . After her time in Asia, Josta Keil continued her art education at the Free Art- Academy in Obernjesa, Germany. Simultaneously, she pursued a degree in economics at the Universität-GH in Kassel, Germany. During this time, she participated in various exhibitions and art projects and started developing art designs. Many trips around the world, especially to the Far East region, influenced her art. After graduation in 1996, Josta Keil did freelance artwork. She developed several projects, designs and product ideas, especially for the toy and free time sector. Many of them have been placed internationally. Since 2004, the artist Josta Keil is focused only on her painting.