Gilberto Gomes

Gilberto Gomes

Sobre el Artista

  Born in the popular Street Biquinha in Aparecida, SP, on october 16, 1955. First child, Helena Rangel dos Santos Gomes, and Geraldo Gomes, a family of eight children. The mother, housewife and his father, a worker in the Paper Mill Our Lady Aparecida, located in the city in 30 years. To help the family survive, the boy was selling candy in the city center. "It was very interesting and I liked it, unless it took some pounding of the strongest kids ate candy and did not pay" - remember - if the episodes and laughed. His childhood was spent in the neighborhood of St. Therese, where the rainy days the clay gathered from the street to make his sculptures. In the primary school teacher Anísio Novaes which was in the same neighborhood, has the primary course. Later he studied in gymnasium Américo Alves and secondary courses in the Chagas Pereira, and high school courses. Painter, designer, illustrator, engraver, sculptor, and Teacher of Plastic Arts and Restorative Arts. Art Critic acting as a guest on juries Salons Arts and various articles in magazines, newspapers and the Internet. It is also a professional musician and served as bass player in various bands in the mid-1970s. He participated in festivals of the MPB in Pouso Alegre, Minas and Piracicaba, São Paulo, obtaining the first places with Fauze Andare, partner and composer of one of the bands that played Gilberto. "The music assurance studies of Plastic Arts" - says the artist.  Gilberto Gomes dedicated - to the Fine Arts since 1968, when taken by his mother, becomes a student of renowned sculptor Teixeira Machado. "I was always drawing, since five years. I waited another eight to get into that studio. " - Recalls the artist. The workshop (Studio) was on Rua Barão do Rio Branco, the center of Aparecida. It took nearly six years of living and studies under the guidance of the master. Even at that time lived with the painter Theodoro Meirelles, José Roberto Santos, Chico Santeiro and Oswaldo Teixeira. In the studio, Santana and Benedito Guimarães are their older counterparts and also sources of endless consultations for the young artist. "Mazaroppi, Pixinguinha, Di Cavalcanti, Dilermando Reis, José Luiz Pasin, Walmor Chagas, I met there in the studio master. How much joy and excitement there were given to me "- says the painter in his reminiscences. Between the years 1969 to 1973, he participated in group exhibitions and exhibitions of art in the cities of Paraíba Valley, winning prizes in some contests. With the death of Teixeira Machado on december 73, the young painter is housed in the basement of Rua Barão do Rio Branco. Before that, let the master's works on deposit at the Museum Frei Galvão and deliver the house keys to the landlady. "It was a very difficult time. I got to starve for a week. When he could, he deceived the stomach with a glass of milk. My parents lived in Suzano and also faced a difficult situation. I could not sell my paintings and when effected an sale, had accumulated to pay bills. " - Recalls the painter.  In 1974, becomes part of the APBA - Associação Paulista de Belas Artes in São Paulo, where he is attending courses, lectures and art exhibits great success. Meanwhile, the father of the artist had achieved a good position in Bracaft - paper industry in Santo Amaro da Purificação, Bahia, beyond the trip. Gilberto followed months later, following his mother and his brothers.  In the early hours of december of 1974, arrives in Santo Amaro da Purificação, which goes to live with their parents. The house was in the city center, Rua do Xaréu where the artist assembles his studio. So does a group of friends including Jorge Portugal, Rodrigo Veloso, José Raimundo Araújo da Cunha, Roberto Mendes, Quaresma, Raimundo Sodré and Zilda Paim. They are artists, writers, poets and musicians who further enrich the artistic universe of Gilberto Gomes.  The days grow - is short for the artist who produces a lot. Resolve extends - and besides them until dawn in the morning with the sunrise, there he was again portraying the houses, customs and the mysteries of those people. With a lot of great works, and goes to Cachoeira, Gallery Amanda Costa Pinto performs his first solo exhibition, now as a professional artist. The exhibition was listed as one of the best of the year, receiving critical acclaim and the German writer and Hansen Bahia artist Renèe Lefèvre. At that time, was being installed at Cachoeira Hansen Bahia Foundation. The friendship with the German teacher earns him a credential to represent - it in the states of Rio, São Paulo and Minas, and monitor processes which dealt with the MEC and Funarte. Then travels to fulfill the purposes signed, enjoyed great success. Meet the artists Rescála, Carybé and Carlos Bastos, which will provide great exchange of information to enrich their work more. With Rescála and other artists, the gallery opens in Salvador Portas do Carmo. With Hansen and Raymond Aguiar, major exhibition held at the Seminary of Bethlehem da Cachoeira, where Father Bartolomeu flew with his balloon. There also lived for some time, Frei Antonio de Santana Galvão. "These are great teachers for me, unforgettable." - Recalls with emotion.  Her father along with his family, is transferred to a factory in Governador Valadares. The artist decides to reside in Cachoeira. This time was elected by acclamation to the President of Photo Cine Clube Bahia, where he held important national and international exhibitions of photography. Coexists with photographers and filmmakers Geraldo Sarno, Glauber Rocha, José Mário Peixoto Costa Pinto and Arnol Conceição. It - the friend of the poet Ubiratan Chamusca, the writers know Jorge Amado and Herberto Salles who later would write about his work. Will reside in Caquende Street, with the German artist Rainer, as a neighbor. With the label Noelice Costa Pinto, deploys the "First Waterfall Arts Festival", which gets great critical and popular success. As guest artist, exhibited in special room at the Federal University of Bahia, along with other great Brazilian artists. Even at that time at the invitation of the City Council restores the important work of Antonio Parreiras, "The First Step to Independence," a work that earns him great reputation in the arts of Bahia. At the invitation of the MEC, FUNARTE and Federal University of Bahia, is to teach painting and drawing at Cachoeira, in PRODESCA - Development Program of Cachoeira. At that time the artist faces serious financial problems. Now sells roasted coffee provided by Chamusca friend. Later in company with the same friend, would play a broiler farm, which was close to the Cachoeira. Soon strong winds begin to blow. Change - to São Felix who was in the other bank of the River Paraguassú. There the painter experienced the bitterness of losing all your holdings in a great flood.  Later moves to Feira de Santana, where the invitation of the Dean of UEFS - State University of Feira de Santana, is now a teacher at the newly created Office of Arts of this University. Position he has held for about three years, when due to a serious illness of his mother moves to São Paulo.  Also in Feira de Santana, restores the central ceiling of the Cathedral Lady Santana, at the invitation of the candidate to the State Government, Dr. Clériston Andrade. Mounts his studio, participates in exhibitions and artistic projects alongside artists feirenses Franklin Maxado, Charles Albert, André de Castro, Carlo Barbosa, Pedro Roberto, Herivelton Figueiredo, Antonio Brasileiro and Juraci Dórea. In the same university, participates in the cycle of lectures by art teacher Ivo Vellame and exposes several times in the Regional Museum individually and in collective with artists Sante Scaldaferri, Carlos Bastos, Riolan Coutinho, Mario Cravo Junior, among others. In Salvador, exposes the individual ACBEU - Cultural Association Brazil United States, one of the three best shows of the season. Also participates in exhibitions alongside the great artists from Bahia. Also at this time at the invitation of City Hall, becomes the coordinator and teacher of Arts Workshop in San Francisco do Conde. Later with historian Jose Sacramento, illustrates the audio visual "History of San Francisco do Conde," with more than 100 watercolors that are part of the Museum of the City.  The artist is a tireless worker who challenges their own limits. He is aware of the difficulties that require artistic life. "I always worked hard in what I intended. Pierced the night’s drawing and painting, to leave early the next day and try to sell my work. It was not easy and could not always successful. When selling a product, the buyer asked for another indication. So would winning the obstacles were many. I lost count of how many works had to market to achieve a dignified survival. So I met many good people who helped me. Many other times I sought for new purchases or orders. Portrayed people, restored works of other artists and worked very custom. Gradually I was earning my real space, the friendship and respect of people. " - Says the artist. In 1986, gets national recognition with his biography included in the "Dictionary of Painters Brazilians" of Walmir Ayala, published by Editora Spala, Rio, in two volumes, bilingual, English and Portuguese. Yet this time, participates in fairs and exhibitions in Salvador, Rio de Janeiro, Recife, Rio Grande do Sul, São Paulo, Feira de Santana, Santo Amaro, Cachoeira, Taubaté, New York, Paris, among other cities. Throughout his career, the artist has Illustrating literary works of several authors among which Ubiratan Chamusca, José Mário Peixoto Costa Pinto, outran Borges, Dival Pitombo and Joaquim Ricarte. Gilberto Gomes belongs to several Brazilian Cultural Entities, among them the São Paulo Association of Fine Arts and the Brazilian Society of Fine Arts, in Rio de Janeiro. Holders of awards in Art and Exhibition Halls in Brazil and abroad, having among others, Gold Medal, Medal of Honor, Honors, and Commendation Medal of Don Quixote, the Medal of Cultural Merit UNAP and several special rooms, along with great Brazilian artists. It also has a broad curriculum with stakes in hundreds of events. Artist of broad and legitimate national reputation, his work has cataloged the major segments Brazilian cultural highlights - if the "Dictionaries Fine Arts Brazil," by Julio Louzada, "Dictionary of Painters Brazilians" of Walmir Ayala - publisher Spala - Rio de Janeiro, 1986, "Dictionary of Painters Brazilians," revised and enlarged edition by André Seffrin - publisher of the Federal University of Paraná, 1997, "Art & Artists Brazil 2001," Editorial LaserPrint - São Paulo, "Lottery Tickets Federal – CEF, in two issues whole ", Brasília - DF," Telefonica Calling Cards ", Interprint - São Paulo - SP," Journal of Paint Domani, "as Special Guest of the July 2002 - Publisher Domani - São Paulo - SP, "River Art Show" - Speedy and Ediouro Graph - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - 2005, "Dictionary of Artists Brazilian" - Constantino Cury - São Paulo - SP, "Aparecida Capital da Fé" - Publisher Noovha America - São Paulo - SP - 2006, among other publications at the level of National recognition. In 2006 after completing 31 years of career, the artist receives as its biggest prize, a book about his life and work. "COUNTING THE ART OF GILBERTO GOMES", written by Alexandre Marcos Lourenço Barbosa, Editora Noovha America, São Paulo, recalls the life and work of one of the great Brazilian artists, which is by far our art. Belongs to collection of Brazilian art of the same name, which has among other artists, Portinari, Tarsila do Amaral, Di Cavalcanti, Adélio Sarro, Claudio Tozzi, Antonio Peticov, Guignard, Djanira, Darcy Penteado and Brecheret. Also in 2006, the artist is honored at the City Council of her homeland, receiving the title of "Honorary Citizen Aparecidense." Gilberto Gomes lived in Bahia until mid-1990 when he returned to São Paulo. Currently resides in the City of Guaratinguetá, School where he maintains his studio, discovering new talents and teaching the craft of fine arts. The artist has works in collections and private collections in over thirty countries, especially - if the Presidential Palace in Brasilia, Federal University of Zaragoza - Spain, Bank Bradesco - New York, Bank of Brazil – Leningrad, Foundation Cultural Munich - Germany, Brazilian Embassy - Argentina, Studio of the American painter Gregory Gallo - New York, the Regional Museum of Feira de Santana, Brazil Cultural Association USA in Salvador, among other collections.  On the Internet, Gilberto Gomes is present in several of national and international Sites, to detach from - the Bahia Today, the Arts Portal, Web Art Brazil, Tiscali Portal Arts in Italy, and your official website, .  BENEDITO DUBSKY COUPÉ                 (Historian)