Barry Blake

Barry Blake

Sobre el Artista

I am the epitomy of the amateur who wants to paint and have someone like what they do. I have no preconceived views on art I just love to paint and give a real view of what you the viewer are seeing and I'll do it as best that I am able. I have no real influences although I am a great fan of David Shepherd and Robert Bateman I feel both of those brilliant artists pale into insignificance next to the talents of an almost unknown American artist by the name of Toni Callahan whose art I would be honoured to have mine displayed next to. I am in my mid sixties and have ten years of early retirement behind me , much of which has been happily spent painting, as was many of the years before. I have no bits of paper or courses to tell me I can put a brush or pencil on paper or canvas, no one has told me how I should do it I have learned the easy way, by doing i,t and knowing I can do better, and that still holds true today. If you like what I do thanks ,if you don't I'll give it a go to change your mind.