alessandro rech

alessandro rech

Sobre el Artista

Alessandro Rech born in Rome on 20/03/1977. University Degree of first level in Industrial Design specialization Innovation of process and product vote: 110/110 with praise (2000), University Specialistic Degree in Industrial Design and Visual Comunication vote: 110/110 with praise (2004) University of Studies of Rome “La Sapienza” Winner of “SPECIAL PRICE OF JURY” of National Art Competition: Competition Giacomo Manzù “THE FEMININITY” 2004; Jury: Maurizio Calvesi, Gianni Terrazza, Giulia Manzù, Inge Manzù, Zoe Paolini, Lorenzo Zichichi. Editor: Federica Calandro Collettive exibition Winner of 2° PRIZE OF INTERNATIONAL ART COMPETITION 2006 ANMIL – INAIL Roma “THE OTHER SIDE OF WORK” Jury: Paolo Balmas, Angelo Capaso, Pino Casagrande, Linda de Sanctis, Patrizia Ferri, Concetta Ilardo, Antonella Ninci, Pietro Mercandelli, Marco Stancati. Editor: Pino Casagrande Collettive exibition Author of ART Issue “THE RENDERISME” 2006; Collettive exibition “THE MIRROR DOESN’T LIE” 19 May – 19 June 2007 Gallery Domus Sessoriana S. Croce in Gerusalemme Square Roma Editor: Antonietta Campilongo Collettive exibition 10 Jenuary – 20 April 2008 Gallery “il Riquadro” V.le Regina Margherita 92 Roma Editor: Maurizio Lo Noce, Giuseppe Purificato Collettive exibition “GRAAL GLASS 2008” 10 September 2008 With realization of the own project selected from Gillo Dorfles Of a calyx Palace Ca’ Rezzonico in Venice Editor: Gillo Dorfles - Trieste contemporanea Collettive exibition “GRAAL GLASS 2008” 12 December 2008 Stazione Rogers a Trieste Editor: Gillo Dorfles - Trieste contemporanea Collettive exibition “IN THE CASSIOPEA SIGN: ALL THE SHAPES AND THE FORM OF ART” Gallery Cassiopea Via Basento Roma 21 Febraury – 5 March 2009 Editor: Anny Baldissera Collettive exibition Endemica Gallery in Via Modena 14 Roma 4/04/2009 - 25/04/2009 Editor: Giulio Fabbrini Collettive exibition “glass touch” European design for the artigianal glass from the Collection of Competitions Trieste Contemporanea Bassano del Grappa - Palazzo Agostinelli 17 April - 14 June 2009 Curatore: Franco Jesurun Collettive exibition "DE INDUSTRIA" 2009 – 3rd edition with art lab 19 July - 30 August 2009 Fermignano (PU) Museo dell'Architettura Collettive exibition "The Great Book of Graphic Arts” 10 April - 20 April 2010 Sala ex Poste del Palazzo dei Pio, Piazza dei Martiri, 68 Carpi (MO) Collettive exibition "Varco attivo” 18 September - 25 September 2010 Gallery “Collezione Saman”, Via Giulia 194/A Roma Collettive exibition “The flight of Pegaso” the silent voices Istituto Superiore di Sanità 18 - 28 February 2011 Viale Regina Elena 299 Roma Collettive exibition “quelqu'uns” 26 March - 28 April 2011 Via Modena 14 Roma Curatore: Giulio Fabbrini Collettive exibition “anfratti 3” 9 June – 24 June 2011 Infernotto Via del Pigneto 33 Roma Collettive exibition “The world and the things between Art, Photography and Fashion” 29 October - 29 November 2011 spazioespanso Via dei Bergamaschi , 60 Roma Winner of 1° PRIZE OF INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 2005 “NEW SHAPES OF MIXING GLASS” presented at BARFESTIVAL 2005 of RIMINI. Winner of 1° PRIZE OF INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION 2006 “THE GLASS TO USE” presenteted at ALTARE (SV)