Robin Ranga

Robin Ranga

Sobre el Artista

"Often, very often, my fingers tingle with an urge to create, to satisfy a strong compelling desire to "make marks" - tangible expressions responding to ideas singing in my mind...." After graduating in 2005 from Auckland University of Technology with a Bachelor of Visual Arts, majoring in painting, I began exploring various media that best conveyed my ideas. So from paint to clay - I play, I learn, I love, I create - through simple but complex and intuitive pleasure, evolving skills and discovery expressing unspoken thoughts through my fingers. Inspired by the rugged natural beauty where sea gulls soar overhead in a wild westerly suits my interest in organic form and design, where art is like osmosis in my life - on it, in it and with it. I believe that perception is a personal interpretation in all we do, see and feel and compassion and social issues are part and parcel of my exploration. Hero's are many, in my art world - the philosophy and works of Auguste Rodin, Len Castle and Georgia O'Keefe are but three. A definition of what art is to me: The indefinable connection/recognition (something intangible and tangible) in whatever media and by any artist, is the factor that matters the most to me. Invited to exhibit nationally and regionally works have won awards for both painting and ceramics including a finalist with Portage Ceramic Awards 2009 and 2010. Until I upload images, interested vewers are welcome to visit following sites: