Sobre el Artista

Biography Born in Krujé (AL) in 1978, Edmond Haxhiu is inscribed in the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana which will also leave after six months for financial reasons and that in 1998 led him to emigrate to Greece and then Italy where he settled and learn Smith's job, where it inspired him to neglect his artistic passion .. rediscovers Sculpture. Begins to participate in some local group exhibitions, which may not meet the expectations of the artist who finds himself again pilgrimage. and the goal of this time and over the ocean where it is placed in close contact with different races and cultures intermingled in which he will be of great help to his artistic research. In an collective exhibit in Clawson knows Sen. Henry E. Stallings who is also the title of a contemporary art gallery at Livernois, and it is the latter suggests that in 2004 the first solo exhibition. Led Display, 2003 P.F. Galleries Clawson Gallery On Third Rochester 2004 Art On The Ave Livernois Detroit Picture Talk Galleries Southfild 2006 Hotel Tirreno Spotorno (SV) 2008 Studio Arti Visive Artemisia, Largo Matteotti Snc, 09010 Musei, Prov. Carbonia/Iglesias (CI) 2009 Associazione Culturale Athena Arte – Via Palmiro Togliatti, 3 00045 Genzano Roma Eventi Arte Via Roma, 72 – Enna 2010 Associazione Culturale Galleria Hesperia - Via Spaventa 24.Pomezia-Roma Secondo Concorso Internazionale Di Arte Contemporanea “CITTA Di Praeneste” 1° Classified 2010 Associzione Culturale Semata Rassegna Internazionale D’arte Contemporanea “STOICHEIA Elementi” Locorotondo (BA) 2011 “ Tradizione E Innovazione” Degli Zingari Gallery-Catacombe Della Suburra Via Degli Zingari 52/54 Roma 2012 Artisti Per L'unita D'italia “Impronta D'autore” Rocca Paolina Sala Cannoniera Perugia Con La Prefazione Critica Di Prof, Giovanni Zavarella.