Katrin Alvarez

Katrin Alvarez

Sobre el Artista

Katrin Alvarez (birthplace Güstrow) is a qualified legal expert and editor. She has published several surrealistic satires and a novel. Her paintings, which can be assigned to the fantastic realism, have already been exhibited in Israel, Canada, Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, the U.S. and China. Important awards: In 2007, she won the Allan Edwards Award from the Federation of Canadian Painters (SFCA) in Vancouver. In 2011, one of her works was selected for the "Museum of Fantastic Art" at the Pálffy Palace in Vienna. In 2011, she was awarded with the Vivid Arts Network Award "Onore alla creatività e l'eccellenza nelle arti". In 2012, Alvarez received the Grande Médaille d'Or MCA Azur at Cannes  and was awarded the Leonardo Prize (Painting) at the Chianciano International Art Award, 2012. In 2013 Alvarez became the recipient for the first price of the Leonardo Award for Applied Arts at the Chianciano Award.