Brenda Hartill

Brenda Hartill

Sobre el Artista

I am a painter and experimental printmaker, specialising in embossing, texture, rich colours, organic forms and surfaces. For many years I developed my practice firstly in etching, and then collagraph, and in recent times, although my work is landscape based, I work mostly in the abstract. My latest works are using embossing as a basis for unique watercolours. I am a fellow of the Royal Society of Painter Printmakers, (RE) based in London's Bankside gallery. I have written a book, Collagraph and mixed-media printmaking, and produced a 3 1/2 hour DVD showing my techniques. I sold world-wide when I lived in London and I live in Sussex now. I have had a break from working while my husband was ill, and am now enjoying producing images again with a new series of embossed images enriched with silver and gold.