valentina paglia

valentina paglia

Sobre el Artista

Valentina Paglia was born in Rome on 14th October 1985. EDUCATION 1999-2002: Certificate of “Maestro d'arte” (Art Tutor) at School of Art G. Capogrossi (Rome) 1999-2004: M.A. in “Art of book press and restauration” at School of Art G. Capogrossi (Rome) In December 2006 she moves to Valencia (Spain) and joins an art group of six people from different nationalities, and develops the “Galeria-Espacio”. A cultural association of the gallery is created simultaneously. Through this group she will select and mount exhibitions of numerous artists coming from the four corners of the world. Despite the long experience gained with the team, in December 2010 she decides to leave the project in order to focus full time on her artistic growth and development; she will then develop a kind of visual art based on a balanced contrast of colours, irregular lines and shapes, representing both figurative and abstract images. In 2012 she decides to move to London, with the aim of improving her experience on a human, cultural and artistic level. ART FOR CHILDREN 2012: she donates the work “le false verità”, for the IV edition of "Il sorriso di Roberta per l'UNICEF: progetto "Ricostruire l'infanzia" Milazzo (Italy). 2011: she donates the work “lluvia de sol” for the Roberta Smedili Association, supporting UNICEF for the children of Darfur. 2011: she works as a trainer for an art therapy workshop; stage organized in Valencia for the P.G.E. Porta Institute (Parma, Italy), course of studies in Human Science. 2005: she volunteers as art therapist in the centre Casa Madre e Bambino (IPAB-IRAI). 2005: she works in the cooperative “L'arteaparte”. 2001-2004: she takes part to the following projects by the association “DilM”, for primary and elementary schools of the outskirts of Rome. Inter-cultural project “Alla scoperta del mondo”; Direction of plays for kids; set up of travelling playgrounds; workshop of “Ricicl-Art” and Art therapy (San Materno Infantile Genzano) in Rome. 2002: decoration works in the pediatric section of the San Camillo Hospital in Rome. PRESS AND CATALOGUES April 2011: she is included amongst other contemporary artists in the volume 2 of “International Contemporary Artists” (published in New York and Athens). March-April 2011: she is mentioned in the art review Boè in the section “Artists to invest on”. January 2011: she illustrates the poem "Uspavanka Za Radmilu M." in “Il mulino non ha fermato il vento” by Beppe Bresolin. April 2010: she is included in the third edition of the catalogue “Arte indaco” Turin (Italy) April 2009: she is included in the second edition of the catalogue “Arte indaco” Turin (Italy) REVIEWS Fabrizia Ranelletti for the event “Itinerarte” “A painter and a sculptor. Numerous are the artistic fields where she expresses her fierce creative ability. Both in sculpture and painting, her interest develops in the research of the matter and the deep investigation of every single shape. In her painting rare magnified and rather “hieratic” representations take form. A particularly intense drive is to be found in the bimorphism that characterizes Valentina Paglia's entire artistic work.” Anna Grossi for the event "Biennale di Senigallia" Valentina Paglia, Fine Arts A clear proneness for “technical” drawing, Valentina develops a language made of personal compositional models and a peculiar representation of reality. Her playing with colours, the constant recall to the use of embossing often catch the eye of the viewer. Hers is a path of constant growth leading to study and reflection on the ever-growing potentials of painting. A constant self-questioning on themes connected to “Classical” fine arts brings this painter to a constant renewal of her way to see and interpret art. AWARDS: September 2011: Prize "CITTA DI CORINALDO" at the 2ª Biennale Città di Senigallia; INTERNATIONAL AWARDS FOR CULTURE July 2011: Prize for special merits for "LA MATERIA E LO SPIRITO" Gallery La Spadarina, Piacenza (Italy) COLLECTIVE EXPOSITIONS September 2011: 2ª Biennale Città di Senigallia; Marche (Italy) July 2011: La Materia e Lo Spirito, gallery la Spadarina Piacenza (Italy) June 2011: Exhibition Melting Summer, Cultural Association Pro-Art di Ferrara (Italy) February 2011: Colective Galeria-espacio; Valencia (Spain) July 2010: "La Dolce Vita" Galleria 18, for the 50th anniversary of Fellini; Bologna (Italy) June 2010: week of "ARTE ITALIANA A FUKUOKA", Gallery Art Space Linx; (Japan) March 2010: contest Microbo; Milan (Italy) Febraury 2010: takes part to the event INTERCAMBIO (videos and concerts); sala "El Loco" Valencia (Spain) November 2009 - January 2010: Gallery "Multiespacio" (conecta con el Arte); director Elvira Pastor Navarro. Valencia (Spain) Dicembre 2009: Colectiva Galeria-espacio; Valencia (Spain) June 2009: Colectiva Galeria-espacio; Valencia (Spain) September 2006: "Itinerarte", organized by the city of Rome curated by Sonia D'Attile, supervised by the art critic Fabrizia Ranelletti. PERSONAL EXPOSITIONS March 2012: "La Forcola" Valencia (Spain) February 2012: "Pastapalabra" Valencia (Spain) September 2011: "Plouifasol" Valencia (Spain) June 2011: "Russ" Valencia (Spain) February 2011: "MarteCafe" Valencia (Spain) January 2011: "La Rentaora" Valencia (Spain) November 2010: "Almazen" Valencia (Spain) September 2010: "Diseño al Cubo" Valencia (Spain) May 2010: "En Relieve" cafe-teatro Killing time Valencia (Spain) March 2009: "Laboratorio" Valencia (Spain) November 2008: "Viaje" cafe Lisboa Valencia (Spain)